Lecture at the Royal College of Music Stockholm
On September 27, I will be giving a presentation at the Royal College of Music (KMH) in Stockholm! I’ll be talking about the creation of my chamber opera Cherry With a Gold Pit, followed by a discussion on the importance of international collaboration for young composers. I’m excited to share my experience and discuss topics […]
Residency at Visby International Centre for Composers
I’m currently in residence at the Visby International Centre for Composers (VICC) from September 17th to 29th, where the stunning natural beauty of Gotland is providing the perfect backdrop for creativity. During this residency, I’ve started working on sketches for new pieces commissioned by ensembles from the USA, Belgium, and Denmark. The Visby International Centre […]

Escape – chamber works | Ravello Records
My debut album “Escape” – chamber works is OUT worldwide! It is released by Ravello Records, the contemporary classical label imprint of PARMA Recordings. Dedicated to forward-thinking composers and musicians, Ravello Records’ catalog offers listeners today’s up-and-coming innovators in the orchestral, chamber, and experimental music. “Composer David Mastikosa’s ESCAPE is the work of an […]

YouTube kanal slavi 10. rođendan
YouTube kanal David Mastikosa · Composer 10. juna je proslavio svoj deseti rođendan. U periodu od 2012. godine do danas, na ovu platformu učitao sam preko 90 različitih izvođenja mojih kompozicija, a koje zajedno imaju preko 41.000 pregleda, koje redovno prati preko 200 pretplatnika. U posljednjih 10 godina su se pojavljivali različiti oblici društvnih mreža […]

Artifakta – emisija o umjetničkom stvaralaštvu
U utorak, 14.06. sa početkom u 22.40 na programu Radio Televizije Republike Srpske možete pogledati emisiju iz kulture pod nazivom “Artifakta” S1E15, u kojoj ću govoriti o svom stvaralaštvu, savremenoj umjetničkoj muzici, o svojim počecima, putu koji sam do sada prešao, te putevima kojima tek planiram da hodim. U ovoj dokumentarnoj televizijskoj emisija moje stvaralaštvo […]

Connect the dots: Monthly Dose of Art, Inspiration and Career Tips
Hi! I recently decided to start with the newsletter and share a dose of art, inspiration, and career tips with you. Sign up for Connect the dots – my monthly newsletter where I share creativity tips, practical advices for emerging artists, and high-quality music insights from across the web, directly to your inbox.

Film, Archive + Music Lab short photo story I am extremely grateful to the British Council Bosnia and Herzegovina for nomination to participate in this year’s edition of FAMLAB. My collaboration with the British Council dates back to my participation in the Envision Sound workshop in Ukraine. Considering that I am one of the winners […]

Five useful websites for classical music students and professionals
For the first text in English on this blog, I decided to choose five useful sites for young artists who want to make a successful career in the music industry. Some of those links could be a good starting point to get more information on how some of the things work in the music industry. […]

Pandemija korona virusa snažno je udarila na umjetnost širom svijeta, a posljedice će se osjećati i narednih par godina. Ono što je pozitivno u svemu što nas je snašlo jeste to da se umjetnici sve više okreću digitalnom načinu prezentovanja svog rada. U posljednjih par godina moja muzika se našla na više albuma, koje su […]

Top 5 izvođenja moje muzike
Jedna od novogodišnjih odluka u 2022. godini jeste i ta da ću više pažnje posvetiti uređivanju ovog bloga. Uz novogodišnje odluke idu i novogodišnje želje, a jedna od njih je i ta da u 2022. nastavim da sarađujem sa fenomenalnim umjetnicima, poput ovih u nastavku teksta, koji imaju veoma brižan i posvećen odnos prema mojoj […]